Struct User Guide


Welcome to the Struct Finance User Guide. This guide will help you set up your environment and provide an overview of the various modules and main features of the application. The Struct protocol is available in the Avalanche Blockchain mainnet.

Struct Finance is a DeFi platform offering tailored structured financial products to cater to the distinct risk-return profiles of retail and institutional investors. Our innovative Tranching mechanism, the first in our planned lineup of product offerings, enables diversified investment opportunities across a wide array of markets through interest rate vaults.

Upon protocol launch, the Struct Team will be releasing modules and features in a iterative way, so main core features will be available to our DeFi Users such as pool integrations with our key partners (Trader Joe and GMX). Others features will be released later on. Here below is the list of the main core modules:

  1. Factory* - The instrument factory allows creation of new fixed and variable yield vaults. The contract allows product creators to tailor these instruments to suit various investment needs.

  2. Markets - Customized products created by users are displayed as interest rate vaults, making them available for other users to invest in.

  3. Dashboard - The dashboard provides users with an overview of their current and historical investments, open vaults, and past transactions.

  4. Leaderboard - The Struct leaderboard tracks the participation of our community members by playing a vital role in determining eligibility for both past and many future incentives.

We appreciate your feedback and support. To learn more about Struct Finance, please read our Litepaper and join our growing community.

Looking forward to receiving your feedback!

The Struct Team Note: The Factory* module might be available to some users.

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